It was rather amiss of me not to write an update about the marmalade. According to the instructions I was following there are a couple of ways to know if a preservative has reached its setting point. These include using a thermometer and when a certain temperature has been reached then the setting point has also been achieved, and a second method involves letting a small bit of the preservative lie on a cold plate for a couple of minutes and if it has the consistency you require then it too has reached the setting point.
I went with the first method of setting the marmalade, but I must have done something wrong. The marmalade is very runny, but on the other hand it is absolutely delicious. Anyway, I still have several jars of blueberry jam to get through until we can start on the marmalade and I am hoping that it will have set a little by then. If not, it will make for a delicious orange marmalade sauce.