This year being my second season as a urban farmer I have decided to be quite selective on what I grow. Last year I was in awe of all the exotics I would grow and then eat only to be disappointed by the vast array of failures I had.
This year I am going to be a practical West Coast gardener. I will grow what worked and what should work in this climate with just a little bit of what I really hope will work (inverted from last year).
So... What to start with? Beans! I just potted the following: Empress Beans(For my wife's stir fry), Kidney Beans (I love Chili), Boston Favorite (for soups) and Lima Cisco's Bird Egg Bean (for salads). All of which were from the US company, Seed Savers Exchange. I have recently become more of a fan of the West Coast Seeds company as it allows me to buy items like Potatoes without border issues.
The picture you see here is my furnace room. I located my pot of seeds between the furnace and the hot water tank for warmth. I water them every day and will install lights in there this weekend for once they sprout.
Next round of seeds will be for some tomato plants. I did the beans first as they can go outside earlier.
wow, that's a lot of beans. nice idea with the furnace. Unfortunately I don't have too much room next to mine hence the heating mat. My seeds came from an Ontario company called The Cottage Gardener ( Not a huge selection but well-priced and heirloom/organic which is what I look for.